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- Oversized Square Sunglasses
Oversized Square Sunglasses
HK$ 190.00
sunnies, crafted in an oversized, square profile, with gold metal accents on the hinges.<BR />This pair offers maximum UV protection, protecting your eyes from UVA & UVB rays.<BR /><BR />\n</p>","category_name":"Accessories>Shop By Product>Sunglasses","brand_name":null,"upc":"5930130300","image_url":"https://www.accessorize.com/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-accessorize-master-catalog/default/dw0d51b8eb/images/large/21_59301303_1.jpg","manufacturer_id":"","price":"16.00","in_stock":true},"review_wrapper_url":"https://www.accessorize.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-accessorize-global-Site/default/PowerReviews-WriteReviewPage?pr_page_id=5930130300","components":{"ReviewSnippet":"pr-reviewsnippet","ReviewDisplay":"pr-reviewdisplay"}}" data-component-is-pdp="true">
Oversized Square Sunglasses
Bit of a late one last night? Hide this morning's sleepy eyes with these sunnies, crafted in an oversized, square profile, with gold metal accents on the hinges.
This pair offers maximum UV protection, protecting your eyes from UVA & UVB rays.
- Outer: Composite: Acrylic 100% Lining: Frame: Metal 10% , Polycarbonate 90%
- H N/A x L 22 CM
- wipe clean
- Plain
- Weight: 30.0
- ID: 5930130300